Facing Reality

Since I started this blog just over a week ago I am frequently asked on Twitter how Kye is doing. Friends send me text messages daily, asking the same question. Their support has been overwhelming and greatly appreciated.

Up until today I’ve been able to reply to questions about her with; “she seems fine, let’s hope the ultrasound finds something we can fix”. I haven’t seen any visible cause for alarm since she fell over a couple of weeks ago.

Today though, she hasn’t got out of bed. She hasn’t eaten or drunk anything either. She has stayed in her bed upstairs, curled up as tightly as she would to keep the cold out in a snow storm.

I’ve put a bowl of water beside her and visited her every half an hour or so throughout the day. Each time I’ve gone up to see her I’ve talked to her for a few minutes before leaving her again to go back to sleep.

I’m afraid.

I hope this is just a ‘bad day’.

One thought on “Facing Reality”

  1. Words cannot express how much I wish things were different right now. Pork Chop is 12 years old and I see him getting more and more fragile. This is one of my biggest nightmares, yet it’s a fact of life that everyone single one of us is faced.

    I can only imagine how you and Lani are feeling. I hope for Kye’s sake she is just tired and having a bad day.

    I’ve only known you guys for a short time, but I feel like I’ve known you all for years.

    Thank you for sharing your stories. As hard as it is, at the end of the day, you’ve done and given what she was brought onto the face of this earth for. Being her best friend.

    Stay strong.

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